In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, activists and LGBT+ organizations everywhere are mobilizing to make sure LGBT+ people aren’t left behind – and one of the ways to do that is through the power of the Internet.
Although many of us are currently forced to stay at home, we can still come together and be powerful as a community virtually. All Out has launched a petition platform that enables anyone, anywhere in the world, to create their own petition for LGBT+ rights.
From the trans community in India, to fighting “conversion therapies” in Italy, we picked 4 for you to sign – and support LGBT+ people across the globe.
In India, the trans community is facing sheer abandonment during the lockdown. Trans activists have just launched a campaign calling for measures to mitigate the serious impact of the lockdown on the livelihoods, food security, and health of trans people across the country. It’s literally a matter of survival. Help them by signing their petition here.
The Hungarian Parliament voted in favor of a bill that outlaws legal gender recognition for trans and intersex people in the country, going against the Hungarian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights.
Transvanilla, a Hungarian LGBT+ organization, started a petition asking the European Commission to condemn the Hungarian government and protect the fundamental rights of Hungarian trans and intersex people. Support them by adding your name here.
In Italy, so-called “conversion therapies”, one of the most atrocious forms of discrimination against LGBT+ people, are still allowed. After both Germany and Albania recently banned them, an Italian group is campaigning for Italy to follow suit. Help them get enough signatures by adding your name here.
Patients who have recovered from COVID-19 are being encouraged to donate plasma to help the fight against the coronavirus. But because of an earlier outdated policy that barred gay and bisexual men from donating blood during the HIV/Aids pandemic in the 80s, there are many restrictions that specifically exclude gay and bi men from donating.
All Out member Scott started a petition asking the UK Health Ministers to stop the discrimination against men who have sex with men in the COVID-19 plasma trials. You can show your support by signing here.
Have you ever thought of starting a petition, too? It’s really easy, and it can truly make change happen.
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