
Our campaigns are proof that love wins. Here are some of our greatest victories (so far!).

🌈 Triumph for Salman: A Landmark Victory for LGBT+ Rights in Armenia!

After more than two years of actions and solidarity from All Out members around the world, Salman Mukaev was finally granted asylum and will be able to stay safely in Armenia.

Salman fled Russia to escape torture in the Russian region of Chechnya, where authorities targeted him because they suspected him of being gay. He found refuge in Armenia, but for years it looked like he might be sent back to Russia, where his life would have been in danger.

In 2021, our partners at Crisis Group "NC SOS" started a petition on All Out's platform Megaphone, asking the authorities to keep Salman safe. More than 76,000 All Out members jumped into action – and it worked!

In January 2024, Armenia's Administrative Court refused to send Salman back. With this historic ruling, the court is clearly challenging the anti-LGBT+ oppression in Russia and Chechnya and providing a powerful victory for LGBT+ rights internationally.

Salman's journey from fear to freedom is a powerful reminder of the impact of people power and international solidarity. This victory demonstrates what we can achieve together in our ongoing fight for love, equality, and dignity.

We are proud to share a personal message from Salman, expressing his profound thanks for the support he received from the All Out community.

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