
Our campaigns are proof that love wins. Here are some of our greatest victories (so far!).

We created a list of LGBT+ priorities to guide the creation of new government policies in Brazil

In Brazil’s 2022 elections, there were twelve candidates for president, but almost none of them mentioned LGBT+ rights in their government plans.

In other words, regardless of the outcome of the election, there were no concrete plans to guarantee equal rights for LGBT+ people in Brazil.

For those who are unaware, a Government Plan is a document that every candidate for the presidency of Brazil must deliver to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), spelling out what they intend to put into practice if elected.

All Out analyzed the Government Plans of the 12 presidential candidates for 2022 and found that:

  • 5 of them made no mention of LGBT+ rights.
  • 2 of them mentioned variations of the acronym "LGBT+" only once.
  • The 5 that presented proposals for LGBT+ people were largely non-specific.

LGBT+ people are everywhere — and need protective legislation in ALL sectors of society.

That's why All Out teamed up with five other LGBT+ organizations - ABGLT, ANTRA, Planeta Foda, RENOPS and TODXS - to create the campaign A Plan for Everyone, which included a list of commitments to the LGBT+ community, a guideline with 23 suggestions for urgent government policies.

During the 2022 elections, the campaign's petition was signed by more than 22,000 members of the All Out community, along with 40 civil society organizations. Together, they called for the LGBT+ list of priorities to be implemented over the next four years by Brazil's incoming president.

The process was slow, but it worked!

Lula was elected President of Brazil and, in January 2024, the All Out team went to Brasília, where they met the National Secretary for the Rights of LGBTQIA+ People, Symmy Larrat, delivered her the signatures and talked about the campaign.

And that's not all! Not only did the Secretary receive the campaign's signatures, she also informed us that the LGBT+ List of Priorities will serve as a basis for the Secretariat to implement new government policies for LGBT+ people in Brazil over the next few years of the Lula administration.

This achievement is testament to the fact that when we stand together, we are stronger!

Each of the petition's more than 22,000 signatures is responsible for the new government policies for LGBT+ people that will emerge over the next few years.

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