
Our campaigns are proof that love wins. Here are some of our greatest victories (so far!).

Marriage Equality in France

All Out members helped push France to say 'yes' to love.

In 2012, France was finally moving closer and closer towards marriage equality. It seemed like it would be an easy win, since more than 60% of French people were in favor of passing the law.

However, in October, a massive anti-gay movement sprung into action, determined to stop the progress of equality. France didn't back down.


All Out started a campaign to help show the French government how much people across the country – and the world – supported marriage equality. We launched an online petition signed by more than 30,000 All Out members in just three days. About 600 of our members volunteered to organize pro-equality street rallies in their cities.

On 15 November 2012, All Out members organized rallies in 16 different French cities in support of marriage equality. Our powerful public statements grabbed media attention and increased public opinion support for marriage equality.

On January 28, All Out delivered our petition to French Minister of Women's Rights and government spokesperson Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.

All Out

All Out mobilise plus de 200 000 Français pour l'amour et l'égalité, parce que homo ou hétéro, toutes les familles de France comptent ! Rejoignez le mouvement : www.allout.org/fr/egalite_maintenant

On the same day, we appeared on television to talk about the campaign and explain the mobilization for marriage equality. One day later the petition for marriage equality reached 200,000 signatures, becoming the largest marriage equality petition in France! On January 30, which was the day before the first vote at the Assemblée Nationale we delivered the petition directly to the government.

On February 12, the marriage equality law passed the national assembly, meaning it only needed to pass a vote in the senate, which was expected to happen in April 2013.

April came and the vote was expected to be extremely close. Anti-gay movements were pushing from one side as we were fighting for equality on the other.

All Out started a fundraiser to pay for an ad on one of France's most important newspapers, Le Monde, on the day of the first vote. More than 500 members chipped in during two days of fundraising.

All Out

A l'appel d'All Out, le mouvement mondial pour l'égalité, plus de 250 000 Français disent OUI à l'égalité de TOUTES les familles, et des centaines de familles se sont rassemblées le 5 octobre 2014...

It reads: "A message from more than 200,00 All Out members in France: We celebrate the diversity of families in France and we claim for equality for ALL FAMILIES"

The law passed on to the next stage, to be voted on April 12. That round of voting was also successful!

Finally, on April 23, the last stage of voting happened and the marriage equality law was finally adopted: after a long fight, love finally won!

France Approves Same-Sex Marriage

Opposition to the law, which also opens adoption to same-sex couples, remained strong and vocal even after the vote. Members of Parliament from the country's main opposition party, the center-right Union for a Popular Movement, had earlier announced that they would challenge the legality of the new law before the Constitutional Council, a high court that rules on matters of constitutionality.

All Out members are proud to have helped achieve this amazing victory, and we'll continue pushing for equality – in France and all around the world.

All Out

SHARE what we did together: after months of hard work and protest, marriage equality has passed in France -- 331 to 225. All Out members were there every step of the way, and we'll continue...